Make gift shopping simple and meaningful this year by donating a solar light and school supplies in someone’s name. You’ll get a printable certificate to give as a gift. And your donation will be given to a Daraja girl.
The Perfect Holiday Gift
Make gift giving simple and meaningful this year by donating on behalf of a friend or family member.
It’s always frustrating when the power goes out. But living in darkness is normal for millions of impoverished girls and their families. This holiday season, you can give a high-powered solar light to a Kenyan girl to use during her breaks from Daraja Academy. Not only will she be able to read past sundown, but her entire family will enjoy a safely lit home. When you donate to a girl, you’ll get a printable certificate to give as a gift for the person who has everything.
“I study using a flashlight. It is hard because I have to hold it in one hand and write with the other. My family only has one flashlight, so if someone needs to leave at night, I have to stop working. Or if the batteries die and we can’t afford new ones, I can’t study.” – Anita
‘‘I study using a candle, the only source of light for my entire family. Candles are expensive, and we have to buy them daily to have enough light. Also, if you fall asleep, your books and papers can get burned.” – Neema
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