Lineth Chepkurui, a two-time Bay to Breakers champion, has agreed to be part of the Daraja Race for 77! Lineth will be partnered with 11th grader Catherine Epur, a 17 year old student from a destitute rural town who has excelled in academics and sports since receiving her four-year high school scholarship two years ago. The two are exchanging communications in order to learn more about one another’s goals, passions and interests.
“I’m so happy to have the great opportunity to run races like this as a professional athlete. So, I am very pleased to be able to run today to help Daraja give Kenyan girls great opportunities, too,” said Lineth.
Lineth will run the 7.4 miles in order to bring awareness to the importance of Kenyan girls’ education. Lineth is from the Kispsigis tribe and Catherine is from the Turkana tribe both in Kenya.
“After the tribal election violence in 2008, sport was used as a way to bring people together,” explains co-founder Jenni Doherty. “Lineth and Catherine have a connection through sport, and we hope that by running in this joint race our Bay Area supporters feel further connected with the girls of Daraja.”