Daraja Academy provides a safe place for girls who would not have access to a high school education any other way. It is a beacon of hope, safety, and future promise for marginalized girls to grow their innate leadership skills. Daraja provides a rigorous academic program to prepare girls for the KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) national exams and future admission to college and university. But the core program, centered on a culture of peace, distinguishes Daraja from every other high school.
“We are one Kenya”
Students are selected based on need, academic scores, and leadership potential. With a diverse student population from 47 counties, students embody the phrase “We are one Kenya”.

The “heart of Daraja”
Women of Integrity, Strength, and Hope is a 4-year leadership and empowerment program developed at Daraja Academy.It is the “heart of Daraja” and the backbone of character development for girls to grow and ignite positive change as they become the grassroots leaders of
Dreams within reach
The Daraja mentorship and counseling program assists all girls, especially those who have experienced trauma, to move towards healthy relationships and achievable goals. Robust mentorship from staff, teachers, and alumna, encourages students to reach for their dreams.
Paying it forward:
Community service