Daraja Vision 2025:
An Academic Hub for Social Change
Vision 2025 is the strategic framework to expand Daraja’s most impactful programs to reach 5,000 girls. We have launched a campaign to raise philanthropic investments to make this vision a reality.
Initiative 1:
Build Daraja a permanent home
With our lease about to expire, we purchased 38.5 acres for a new campus that will secure our future and stand as a model for quality girls’ education.
Initiative 2:
Triple student enrollment to 360 students
Due to a lack of resources, we turn away 9 out of 10 girls who apply each year.
Daraja will begin to increase student enrollment and secure funding to triple Daraja’s student body.
Initiative 3:
Expand W.I.S.H. leadership program
We will expand the sought-after Women of Integrity, Strength, and Hope (W.I.S.H.) program to local high schools to reach 5,000 girls using a Training of Trainer model.
Initiative 4:
Secure operating funds to sustain Daraja
Initiative 5:
Reserves and Endowment
Since 2019, operational giving has exceeded goals and added to the reserves. We will pursue 10% annual fund growth to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our students.
To fund our long-term sustainability goals, we will add to reserves and create an endowment fund toward our long-term goal to secure 25% of our annual operating budget through endowment gifts, bequests, and trusts.
Daraja Vision 2025:
Campaign Timeline for Increased Impact
Join Us!
There is a place for you in the new Daraja story. An academic hub for social change must be built for that smart, young girl who dreams of changing her life. For her, education will change everything! If you would like to contribute to Vision 2025, contact one of the three people listed below. This is the most important thing we will ever do.
Jason Doherty
Co-Founder, Development Director
+1 415-312-2131
[email protected]
Jenni Doherty
Co-Founder, Executive Director
+1 415-706-2860
[email protected]
Victoria Gichuhi
Executive Director, Daraja Kenya Initiative
+254 720 336393
[email protected]
Our Leadership
(In Formation)
(In Formation)
Kathy and Forest Baskett
Tom Kelly
Elizabeth Lindquist and Tim Moore
Matt McWright
Helen and Russell Pyne
Deborah Santana
Brian Schlaak
Stefanie Silverman
Tricia Tanoury