Celebrating the unique and powerful Daraja Academy in Kenya: a free all-girls secondary school in all of East Africa. https://www.daraja.org
Daraja Academy is a revolutionary idea – a secondary school where remarkable Kenyan girls, otherwise forgotten due to the lack of school fees, are given the one thing they desire most… a chance to succeed, because Daraja and its supporters believe educated girls can transcend poverty and change the world.

Executive Producer Deborah Santana. Directed & Produced by Emmy-winning filmmaker Barbara Rick. Cinematography & Sound by Jim Anderson. Edited by Ann Collins. Associate Producer/Assistant Editor Julia Wrona. Music by Salvador Santana, Rachael Sage, John Califra & Pearson Constantino. Animation by Dancing Diablo. A Production of Out of The Blue Films, Inc. a 501(c)(3) http://www.outofthebluefilms.com
