An incredible finish to the Race for Daraja 2020
More than 250 people around the world participated in the Race for Daraja that ended on Sunday night. This race to help girls from poverty was supported by literally hundreds more! People who believe in the cause. Together, we raised nearly 90 thousand dollars for girls education and empowerment.
Each Daraja student also joined in the race—proving to her family, her community, and herself that education is a cause worth fighting for. In a time of crisis, she felt hope knowing that people she’s never even met care about her worth and her future. Money raised will provide food and a smart phone for a girl who grew up without either. Thanks to you, her growth hasn’t stopped.
“Daraja” was the word chosen to symbolize a place where barriers of status, gender, race, religion, and age are overcome. Daraja means bridge and YOU. ARE. DARAJA.
We are so grateful to all who supported this race in every way. From California to Kenya and from Denmark to Singapore and every place in between. We’re all in this together, and Daraja continues to exists because of you.
Experience the Race for Daraja in this video created by Teacher Deborah, Daraja’s newest Swahili teacher. With support from Bethany Hardy.
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