After the end of Term 2, Daraja students headed to their homes all across the country of Kenya to spend two weeks on break from classes. One student, Purity, an aspiring journalist, recorded her experiences on break in a diary in order to tell Daraja supporters what break is like for Daraja students.
Here is what she wrote:
“In Daraja, the students are to complete 10 hours of community service during their break, which is a way of “paying back” their four-year scholarship which they get to learn and help their community. For example, some help in a health center, clean the environment, plant trees and also teach in primary schools.
I went to volunteer in a hospital that is well known in our area of Kenya. This hospital is known as Lari Health Centre. I helped in registering of patients, sending them to see the doctor and arranging their hospital files which they are all required to have. I like volunteering there because I get to interact with the patients.
In addition to this, I also helped my family in doing some of the family chores like cleaning utensils, washing the house and preparing lunch. Even though I have a lot of chores, I still study a lot over my break too.”
Like every Daraja student, Purity also spent time over her break studying for the upcoming term. Students complete community service projects over every break, not just those in August. Some students complete their hours at the same location, while others work in many different places around their community.
Even when they are at home, students are representing Daraja’s values. They continue to be women of integrity off campus and exhibit the leadership skills that they foster at Daraja when they are in their home communities.
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