Science and Technology
By Juster M. (Form 2)
When you are sitting on a chair, what keeps you on that chair? What makes you not to fall through the floor? These are kind of questions that science tries to answer. Some of the answers may seem obvious: you don’t fall through the floor because the chair is a solid. But this leads to another question: why is it solid? Very interesting and motivates one to further continue to look for the answer. Thereby I can define science as the search of knowledge about the universe and how it works. It is a search that never ends because scientists do not settle for the first explanations. Scientists try to discover the fundamental reasons why everything is the way it is.
Studying the whole universe is a huge task, so it is not surprising that there are many different branches of science. They are physics investigates energy and matter, the material of which everything is made.
Chemistry studies the basic substances or elements that are found in the universe and how they combine to form more complex substances called compounds.
Biology deals with the study of plants and animals. It looks at how they change over long periods of time. Mathematics is the study of numbers shapes and quantities which enable scientists to make measurements and calculations and to understand the results for the their experiments and research.
The most interesting part of science is how it works. Science is not limited to what happens inside a laboratory, it is going on around us all the time. Machines start up and do their tasks because they obey certain scientific laws that control their operations, and if they break down, it is because other scientific laws stop them from working.
These laws were discovered because scientists looked at the world around them and observed events such as water freezing to form ice. A scientist produces an explanation for such an event. The explanation must then be tested. If it is always true in every test, it can become a scientific law. The law that governs freezing is obeyed constantly at the north and south poles and each time you make ice in a freezer. Therefore the scientific method has five step process.
Life for people today is very different from what it was for people 5000 years ago. For a long time people had turned to church teachings of the writing of ancient scholars to learn about the natural world. Over the years, scientists have made many discoveries in their search for knowledge. The way in which these discoveries are put to practical use to build machines and to make tasks easier is called technology.
Technology greatly changes people’s lives. It has helped us to grow more food for example to make our homes more comfortable. Thanks to technology we have fast, safe transportation systems that carry people and products from one place to another with ease even into space. Technology has enabled us to communicate with other people over long distances. The discovery of tablets, smart-phones, i-Pad and plasma television is all about improving technology. Advances in medicine help us live long and healthier lives. New drugs, machines like x-ray, body scanners, and lasers are an application of sciences. Even in continuing research by the challenge posed by such diseases as Ebola and HIV/AIDS the development of high precision equipment employing the principles of sciences remain necessary.
Science has been used in industrial development for the improvement of material well-being of human race. Discovery of different machines with science knowledge for instance physics knowledge has led to reduction of human labour, making industries grow more and more. People are also benefitting from advances in science for instance biology. Developments in the study of genes and heredity has led to the rapid growth of the field of biotechnology, or use of biological research in industry. In entertainment industry, science and technology has contributed to the refinement of sound and colour-mixing techniques to create special effects on stage presentations.
Defense industry has also become high technological. Wars can now be fought using laser-guided bombs of extremely high precision.
With science knowledge, information technology has reduced the world to a global village through use of satellites and microwaves dishes which relay information over extremely long distances in fractions of seconds.
Through science and technology, may careers are sustained by knowledge and discoveries in the field of sciences. There is nothing in the whole world that has advantage and lack disadvantages. In the same way science and technology, despite the positive side, there is also negative side. Science and technology can lead to social and environmental problems.
It is the small things we do in life that encourages us to accomplish great discoveries in science that promotes technology.
You may ask why inspired or motivates me in science and technology. I absolutely love making the world a better place. I am inspired in discovering new things and generating new ideas to improve technology. One may wonder if I say that one day, one time, the cars, aeroplanes and the trains you see will be controlled using a remote. I am the change maker. My dream is to see this world a better place for everyone. In order to accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also plan not only plan but also BELIEVE. If I continue my writing I may fill many papers but instead let me rest my case here.
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