
Fingernails Clogged With Dirt

By Margaret W. (Form 2) I refuse to take your brotherly hand Your nails are black with dirt, brother And your palms are clammy with sweat I refuse to take the hand you extend in help, I shall not join hands with you, brother For unclean hands make

October 8th, 2018|

Cries From Desperate Souls

By Nancy A. (Form 1) Cries from desperate souls In common plea to all Listen the pain of the voiceless Seeking to awaken consciousness Mama let us live Let me survive for each river in a silent plea The sources of the harden of glimmerces And the future

August 20th, 2018|

Arise and Shine

By Martha A. (Form 1) This is the time when we are kept aided Taught by Daraja to know and love and do. Step by step enlightened Toiling in faith Reaching for the skies. We have arrived to join a thousand others All with one mission To drink

August 2nd, 2018|

Students Take on Land Conservation & Poetry With Help of Guest Lecturers

Daraja welcomed Mpala researcher Corinna Riginos, to discuss land conservation and guest teacher Penina, to prepare Forms 3 and 4 for the K.C.S.E. Daraja students challenged to take on land conservation, generate ways to make an impact on the cause in local communities. Riginos: "Conservation is about more than preserving the land. Its about

June 20th, 2012|