Daraja’s been out showing neighborhood schools what we’ve got once again! This week the girls competed in a mathematics contest with awesome results. And with midterms just a few weeks away, they’re studying hard and keeping up with their extracurricular activities as well.
Math competition – Last weekend, the keenest Daraja math students competed against three other schools in a local math contest. They performed extremely well, with Lilian taking the top spot in the Form 1 competition and Esther W., Mary K. and Mesret tying for third! Monicah, from Form 3, also came third in her competition.
Way to go girls!
Maasai dance workshop – A group of Daraja girls led volunteers from Danish NGO ActionAid in some traditional songs and dances on Friday afternoon. Led by Form 3 students Mary P. and Tina, students paired with volunteers to help them with the words of the songs and the dance steps.
WISH – Continuing on the theme of leadership, Teacher Victoria spoke with the Form 3 girls about the legacy and work of Nobel laureate, Wangari Maathai, who passed away last weekend. Monicah read a short biography about Maathai and the Victoria discussed how her work started at the grassroots level but contributed enormously to Kenya and the world. She encouraged the girls to do small acts until they too can fill the shoes of a woman like Maathai.
The Form 2s continued working on their oral history project, which is scheduled to be finished at the end of term. The book the girls are writing will tell elders’ stories from their communities. And the Form 1s did skits on different types of choices: conditional, unconditional, unlimited, limited and no choice. Several of the skits focused on decisions the girls will face after high school – what to study at university, how they will fund future studies and what to do if they get stuck in a bad job.
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