Thanks to Yahoo! employee and long-time Daraja advocate Minoo Ayat, the Yahoo! Employee Foundation has granted the Daraja Academy funds to help get internet on campus. “Once I learned about my company’s foundation, I had to make sure Daraja was in the running for a grant.” We are glad she did! After a two-month application process, the foundation awarded Daraja the grant.
Currently, Daraja Academy’s computer lab consists of 14 laptops. The students take shifts on the computers to practice their computer skills. For many girls, this is their first interaction with a computer.
Internet availability will transform the current computer lab into a place for students to learn how to conduct online research, interact with international students, and master basic web communication tools such as email. All of these skills will be vital for the students to know upon entering university or the workforce. A huge thanks to our Yahoo! employee champion Minoo Ayat!