Born to Become
By Ester N. (Form 3)
God gave you a gift of who you are and where you are, but who you become and where you go is your gift to God. It is through your process of becoming that God will be glorified and God will receive praise out of your prosperity.
He didn’t make you a finished product. He made you a raw material and placed you in his factory waiting for you to discover yourself. Surrender into his hands and start the factory process. He didn’t place you at your destiny. He placed you at your departure point, waiting for you to discover yourself.
Call him for direction and together walk to your destiny. He made you to become! Most people do not understand this concept. They remain where and how they found themselves. In poverty, rejection, struggling life, and in hopelessness. Where you are and what you see is not all you have. That’s just the starting point-God gave you so that you can become.
Life is a journey of becoming! God can never send you a journey without a lunch box. Many fail to realize their destination. They faint, struggle, and wear out. Only because they don’t discover the lunch box in their backpack with food and a first aid kit. God is not out to make you suffer. He is in your life to saved you and help you prosper.
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