A Brutal Experience
By Martha A. (Form 1)
Once upon a time, there lived a girl in a certain village. One day, she was asked by her grandmother to go and fetch firewood in the nearest forest. Her grandmother advised her to take extreme care of herself.
She tiptoed slowly towards the forest. Birds seemed to sing threatening songs as they flew from tree to tree, but she ignored that and proceeded.
As she was in the forest fetching firewood while whistling merrily, she heard some footsteps. When she looked back, she was terrified and almost fainted. She could not believe what she saw. She saw an old-looking lady with a network of pimples on her face. She had a nose which looked like that of chewed bubble gum. Her eyes seemed to have popped out of their sockets and were deeply horrifying. Indeed, she looked like the most brutal creature on earth.
Then, the girl guessed something earth-shuddering was going to happen. She quickly dropped the firewood she was holding and ran as fast as her feeble legs could carry her. Luckily, she found some hunters who saved her and took her back home.
When she reached home, she narrated the brutal experience to her grandmother. Her grandmother told her that what she had experienced served her right, but at least she believed and was very sorry for her.
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