
Debate: Citizens vs. Leaders?

On Monday, March 4th, Kenya held its first presidential election in five years, and the world was watching. Early Saturday morning – at about 3 a.m. – the IEBC (Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission) declared Uhuru Kenyatta the winner, which was surprising for some, since many expected a runoff. To be declared president, one candidate

March 13th, 2013|

“Pride of Kenya” Talent Show

It's midterm and presidential election break, and Daraja girls have spent the week out of class but on campus, participating in other fun events. The last few days saw the students preparing - entirely on their own! - an elaborate talent show, whose theme was "The Pride of Kenya." For more than four hours peers,

March 8th, 2013|

Kenya Presidential Election

Today, Monday, March 4th, marks Kenya's first presidential elections in five years. The country - and world - are watching closely, because in 2007 and 2008, following Kenya's last elections, violence erupted throughout the country, killing 1,500 people and displacing hundreds of thousands more. Today, however, things seem peaceful. Citizens passionate about peace have been

March 4th, 2013|

Nanyuki’s Three-Day Sports Compeition

Most Daraja girls were busy between Thursday and Saturday of last week, when they participated in Nanyuki’s three-day sports competitions. On Thursday, February 21, the 22 Daraja students who comprise the school’s track-and-field team boarded buses by 7 a.m. and drove 25 kilometers to Nanyuki town, where they joined more than forty other high school

February 27th, 2013|

Poem by Daraja student Yvonne

  If you’ve been to Daraja in the last year, you’ve met Yvonne. You probably remember Yvonne well, because she probably went out of her way to meet and greet you, with her enormous smile and contagious laugh. She is one of the most friendly and outgoing students at Daraja, and came to this school

February 6th, 2013|

Meet Daraja’s New Teachers

Daraja hired three new teachers for 2013, and before classes began, the academy held a workshop for new and old teachers called “Teachers Beyond Tradition.” Carol Mwangi, Transition Program Coordinator and former Daraja teacher, helped run the workshop. “It gives teachers a touch of methodologies on how to teach differently – not how Kenyan teachers

January 25th, 2013|

Passing values from one generation to the next: One family’s incredible journey

The Isenhart family took a trip around the world to show their children the importance of understanding the global environment and, lucky for us, a portion of their travels involved working with the Daraja girls. Parents Chris and Jill Isenhart give us insight into their remarkable trip in an article published on Mongabay. Check out the excerpt below:

January 2nd, 2013|