Evolution of the Education System in Kenya
By Suzane A. (Form 4)
Should the education system in Kenya be evolved from 8-4-4 to 2-6-6-3? I leave that to you. Better done than said by the word of mouth, done after a thorough consideration of the long term effects. Change is the only constant thing. I don’t oppose, instead I try and cope with the new changes, logic changes, considerate changes.
The current system of education, the 8-4-4, it’s a perfect foundation of learning if you ask me, but we don’t do much when it comes to co-curriculum. Talents do earn a living in the current century but with our system, rarely do we discover our talent since there is no field for that.
Trying to adopt the 2-6-6-3 system, my statistics state that a high percentage of students will join high school when they are underage, but do we consider this?
It is so interesting to hear of the long term effects of the system, not only to Daraja Academy but to so many other schools that are out there. Daraja Academy is a non-governmental organisation that offers a four year scholarship to ladies who do well at their primary level and the parents aren’t able to pay their high school fees. In addition to that, the girls must have leadership skills since the school’s main aim is to bring up strong grassroot women of change in society. Where are we going to take these girls and these boys?
This is real Kenya, let’s not become congenital like years ago. The world is evolving, we need to educate our girls, our boys. They are the future leaders of tomorrow, the people to represent us in parliament as well as fighting for our rights. We are not going back to becoming vagabonds due to lack of enough qualifications academics-wise, no, not now, not anymore.
Call it repugnance, I will take it, that’s exactly what I’m feeling about the current ongoing issue. Education is known to be learning not the Physical Education in the field, the physical appearance of the student that counts for 30% of the final results while 70% represent the examination.
It was once said, “he asked what’s life because he wanted to know what’s death”, don’t bring us the new form of education to test our intelligence, Martin Luther King said ‘I have a dream that one day African people will no longer be judged by their colour but by their content of intelligence and character’, and surely it is proven.
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