Your Greatest Fear in Life
By Suzane A. (Form 4)
What is it that you fear the most in life? I personally fear trying while in doubt. I fear making mistakes. Sometimes I stay up all night because of the doubt within me and I decide to let it remain within. I fear what people say and think about me. But how long are we going to stay in the chains of fear? We must not forget that fear means: False Evidence Appears Real. It’s false and not real. It only happens in the blues (turning into reality). Because of fear, we become so pessimistic to think of something positive as an outcome becomes a fantasy, thus closing the door to luck.
Fear is within everyone but we must learn how to conquer it, let it not conquer us. There must be a way. Let us be winners and come up with solutions to all our fears within us. Let’s imagine how we can control or even eradicate it, keeping in mind that imagination is more powerful than knowledge and imagining is free. It is because of these same fears that we die as poor men who feared attempting in life rather than dying like a soldier who died trying. It not only scares us but it also steals our children’s dreams, keep “him” off your children for he is merciless.
Let us all have a tragedy to keep fighting with a lot of patience. Let us fight to the letter by doing crazy things while we are our own boss. Let us play games with no rules, dance with no music. Scream to the top of your voices, keeping in mind that fear is what we are fighting. So many people fear because of their own various reasons but I can tell that the ladies really, really fear when their beauty is criticized. It brings their self-esteem down, their morale, their dignity and leads to depression. Well here is something for the ladies. It is high time you believe that you have something that I will never have, and I have something that you will never have, when combined, a new thing is created.
We are all beautiful before God and beauty also lies in the eyes of the beholder. Let us make our own self be content. Let us be happy. Let us build ourselves up, keeping all these things in mind, need I say more?
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