People and Character
By Zeituna A. (Form 3)
The word “character” stands for a lot of characters and personalities. We have emotional, rude, polite, nice, and funny people. But, what I have learnt is that nobody has one particular character, but that someone is termed “funny” if he/she is repeatedly noticed to do so. I believe that everyone has once had a certain character — actually, almost all characters, depending with the situation. One can be nice to her parents if asking for favours, and rude to people when angered.
One thing that is true is that nobody is perfect, especially character wise — but there are good and bad people. This comes about by how many of your good or bad characters outdo the others.
We all have emotions, we all strive for love, attention, and care so everybody is always emotional. Either the person shows it or not, but no matter how strong they pretend to be, there is always a time in our lives that we hurt and feel weak less worthy.
People should not fight each other, because we all have different characters, opinions, likes and dislikes and that’s what makes a normal population. So, never in this world try to force or persuade people to be like you, which may lead to fights. Instead, accept yourself and try to change the bad things about you. Learn to embrace different people and their characters, even if they may annoy you at times. Approach them peacefully, and be a person of perseverance — even though it’s hard.
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