You’ve heard about the phenomenal success of Bay to Breakers, but what else has been happening on campus lately? Don’t miss a beat with this week’s Weekly Recap!
Women of Integrity, Strength, & Hope Class: This week’s Form 1 class focused on the self-discovery of “Who am I?” Taught by Teacher Susan, the girls participated in an activity outlining strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, and unique qualities. “What makes up who we are?” Teacher Susan asked the class. The girls responded with, “The heart, the mind, the soul, the flesh, and our behavior.” The Form 2s tackled facts versus fiction related to sex education, and the Form 4s discussed the future with a class theme of “beginning with the end in mind.” The Form 3s class was led by Daraja senior, Leila, who discussed leadership. “You must have intensity in your integrity,” she told the class.
Congrats to Daraja’s Athletes!Last week, Lisayo (400 meter), Mary P (javeline) and Cate (long jump) traveled to Eldoret, Kenya for the Provencial Athletics competition. Even after making the two day trek from school to the arena, the girls made Daraja proud! Lisayo placed 7th out of 30 competitors, Mary P. placed 5th out of 30 competitors, and Cate placed 4th! Congratulations, ladies!
The Next Step of Project-Based Learning. The Form 2s have gone into local villages, collected community-health related data, and now are reporting their findings. This week, the Forms 2s had a special PBL class to share with each other what each group discovered. The leaders of each group stood up in front of the class and reported common diseases found, how the diseases were contracted, potential preventative measures and other relevant data. Stay tuned for the next step of this process!
Daraja welcomes another intern to the team, Tehsin, a Masters of Social Work student from University of Calgary. Tehsin will be around for 3 months to development the curriculum of the Academy’s W.I.S.H. classes. Welcome, Tehsin!
Favorite Photo of the Week! Form 1s Meldah, Hannah and Zaituna before their first ever Lap-a-Thon!
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