Daraja Welcomes Back Students from Marin Academy: 21 volunteers from Marin Academy High School traveled last week from California to Kenya in an annual two-week collaboration of schools. Marin Academy partnered with Daraja in student-led computer class, W.I.S.H. classes, and workshops on journaling and art. The students are collaborating on a campus-wide water audit to determine the effectiveness of water pumping and usage on campus, a critical piece to water conservation efforts by Daraja staff and students.
This week in W.I.S.H.: In an effort to create more interactive W.I.S.H. classes, this week’s classes used discussion and skits to generate dialogue. Form 1s learned how to say now by diving up into groups to perform what the wrong way and the right way is to avoid bending to peer pressure and just say no, while the Form 2s continued to discuss sex education by busting myths about menstruation.
Africa’s Smallest Festival Comes to Daraja. Daraja’s neighbor, Global Platform, hosted an interactive and educational festival on campus last week. The “Smallest Festival” included poems by Daraja students, displays about recycling, and skits that dealt with rape, corruption and drug use.
Marin Academy hosts Bay to Breakers awards ceremony
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