After several years of hard work helping the dream that WAS Daraja become the school that IS Daraja – Claire Watson and Sarah Montgomery have arrived at the campus with Sarah’s mom Suzanne.
It is so incredible that the desire to help improve this World resonated so deeply with these young women. Both of the girls their senior projects were endeavors that ultimately will have a positive, lasting effect on Daraja Academy and its students.
Claire has spent the last year creating an art program and collecting art materials that will lay the foundation for Daraja’s art appreciation class. She will spend hours teaching the girls about the history of art and teaching them techniques she has learned as an artist.
Sarah, an avid soccer player at Woodside Priory, chose to hold a soccer or football (that’s what the rest of the World calls it) clinic for the girls. She collected uniforms, brand new soccer balls, nets and equipment that current and future students will be able to enjoy for years to come.
It is EXTREMELY exciting when bridges are built, linking cultures together and new friendships are forged… when that occurs between our leaders of tomorrow valuable seeds of hope are planted. Great job Claire, Sarah and Suzanne!!!
We are adding a component to the Daraja Academy Blog. Volunteers and visitors will begin sharing their experiences with the World. Sarah Montgomery will be the first…
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