As July comes to a close, Daraja students are sitting for their end of term exams. Campus is quiet with lots of studying, but girls have spent time looking back on term two during their breaks.
“Bay to Breakers is my favorite part about term two,” Hannah (F2) recounted. Daraja girls ran for Bay to Breakers in Kenya, while supporters ran in San Francisco, California.
Prize Giving Day was also a great accomplishment for term two, where Daraja took home awards for our first graduating class’ performance in the KCSE testing! Trophies were awarded for best performance in the Kiswahili subject, “Highest Percentage of University Intake,” “Best School Overall,” and “Best Private School.”
“I always like term two because we always have many visitors,” reflected Dianah (F2), referring to a high presence of volunteers on campus during the June and July months. Volunteers and visitors uphold a major aspect of Daraja’s educational model, cross-cultural education. These visitors hold workshops and foster strong global relationships that Daraja students cherish.
Daraja attended music festivals and sports tournaments during the course of term two, taking home big titles. The football (soccer) team came out as champions at the local provincial games and participated in the regional tournament against some of the best teams in the country.
After excelling through the district and county levels in a government organized music festival, many Daraja students, including Yvonne (F2), Rosalia (F4), and Claris (F3) excelled at the regional level. All seven of Daraja’s participants ranked among the top ten positions at the regional competition.
We are so proud of our sports and music students for their performances! As students wrap up the term, they look forward to spending two weeks at home with their families over break. “Seeing my family will help me prepare for Term 3,” explained Irene (F3).
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