They asked for it. They got it! As requested by Form 2s, Daraja hosts first business symposium.
Daraja girls interested in science participate in the Science Congress and trips to the Mpala Research Center & Conservancy. Regional math contests are held for girls interested in math. The annual music festival is is an amazing experience for the girls who love to perform poetry, spoken word and singing. Field trips to Lily Pond are put together for the art club, and athletes participate in sports tournaments. But what is available for the business-oriented students at Daraja?
Euphrasia, lead MC, transitions from the skits portion to a group quiz
The Form 2s posed this question during business studies class, and from that conversation stemmed the idea to host a business symposium event on campus. “The business students wanted to know what was out there for them,” Charles, Dean of Curriculum at the Daraja Academy, said. “They were eager for an opportunity to interact with other students outside of campus, and in the absence of an already established program, they created their own.”
The Form 2s put together a diverse curriculum designed to introduce the Form 1s to the world of business while still appealing to the more knowledgeable Form 3s and 4s. “We found volunteer groups from each form to educate the whole school in a specific area of business,” Esther, Form 2, said. “Valuable information about entrepreneurship was presented in many ways: skits, songs, dances and by question and answer.” The information provided focused on everything entrepreneurial: how to start a business, how to run a business, information about lending, borrowing, and potential pitfalls.
Mesret, the time keeper for the symposium, reflected afterward about the success of the event. “We were happy to provide information to our peers about starting a business. We are future business owners, each of us in some way. Whether we decide to run a bus company or start a school just like Daraja, it is important that we know how to prepare ourselves to succeed.”
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