Living A Life of Example
By Stacy K. (Form 1)
Living A life of Example
We all are perfectly and wonderfully designed in a way that we can fulfill our purposes on earth. Each day, when you wake up, make this your personal question, “How am I influencing the next generation.” When you walk, talk, smile and doing anything, always remember that you are carrying a whole generation with you.
Once there was a purpose that God kept in this young man, but the young man was mostly interested in drugs. While choosing subjects in high school he choose Chemistry and Biology. He specialized in drugs and, believe me, the young man is now addicted to drugs. He has gone crazy and he is among the people who rob people at night in Kawangware. Unfortunately, the man was the person who God designed to discover the medicine for curing cancer. This man leaves a big gap in the society, and it will take a lot of effort for other people to cover up for this mistake.
You also have your own unique purpose that you were supposed to fulfill, and, when you don’t, other generations will suffer. Parents should always live a life of example. For example take the footsteps of the late Wangari Maathai, she was a lady who stood by her principles. She underwent torture after starting a movement, but she never gave up. She was a heroin in this country and she died a champion.
What history about you will inspire only that one person in the next generation? Youths let us think wisely. Let us not strike due to corruption. Let us try to practice integrity and share anything and everything we know about integrity. After we will become the future leaders, and we will lead our generation to the right paths. Don’t try to stop corruption by word of mouth, but by the actions you take. Become a role model. Don’t forget that you carry the whole generation in everything you do.
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