The Daraja Times

A Brutal Experience

By Martha O.  It was late in the evening, my mother had arrived home from the market. She called and told me she wanted to send me to my grandmother. Upon hearing this, I was very happy because for a long time I had not seen my

November 12th, 2018|

Its All About History

By Roselyn A. (Form 3)  My favorite subject is History Teaches me about government and the past Knowing legislative, executive and judicial It’s all about history Can you image you evolved from apes? Passing through all stages and becoming who you are I know you are surprised and

November 8th, 2018|

I am a Smart Ghetto Girl

By Eunice W. (Form 3) Spending your life in a Ghetto is the most enjoyable life to have ever spent. I come from Mukuru Kwa Mjenga in Nairobi. So far, so good. I have always been there since my childhood and now I am a teenager. Housing

November 1st, 2018|

Turkana Community Culture

By Reginah (Form 3)  Turkana Community are Nilotic people of Kenya. The Turkana tribe are a nomadic pastoralist people that inhabit the Turkana district in Kenya, rift valley province. The Turkana tribe is part of the Nulatic tribes and constitute of the second largest pastoralists in Kenya

November 1st, 2018|

Endangered Rhinos

By Stella N. (Form 4) Rhinos are herbivores. In a day a rhino can eat up to 120 pounds of grass. An adult rhino can weigh up to 3 tons, but a rhino is not dangerous. Its aim is not to harm people but to chase them

October 29th, 2018|

A Girl’s Pain

By Nancy Cassia My fellow people I have seen wonders in reality Food Education and Clothing Is it why I was brought into this world? My mother is a drunkard My father is another one They keep on drinking until the last sip When they get changaa, welcome

October 24th, 2018|


By Christine M. (Form 4) Heroism has nothing to do with skin colour or social status. It is a state of mind and a willingness to act for what is right and just. Knowing what you need to know actually drives out fear. For one to change

October 11th, 2018|

Fingernails Clogged With Dirt

By Margaret W. (Form 2) I refuse to take your brotherly hand Your nails are black with dirt, brother And your palms are clammy with sweat I refuse to take the hand you extend in help, I shall not join hands with you, brother For unclean hands make

October 8th, 2018|

Technology in Education

By  Margaret W. (Form 2) Technology is giving devices a digital voice and they will be talking about us. By forgetting our concerns over the security of online transactions, or by revealing too much on Facebook or other social media platforms, the “system” already knows us, and we

October 4th, 2018|

Perspectives on Kenya’s Development

By Martha A., Peris N., Irene M., Faith C., and Naima A.. (Form 1) “Kenya is among the developing countries in Africa. It is said to be developing because there are still many problems for which solutions have not been found. In many parts of Kenya, there are

October 1st, 2018|

Women of Strength and Hope For The Best

By Miriam W. (Form 3) I believe women are the most powerful people on earth, if only given the change to show what they can really do. Many people think that the work of a woman is to stay at home, take care of the kids, cook

September 27th, 2018|

The Pillars and Beliefs of the Islamic Religion

By  Anzel M. (Form 1) Islam means peace or submission to the will of God. It is a religion founded by Mohamed (SAW). Allah is the one and only God. A Muslim is someone who follows or practices Islam. The rules of Islam are based on five pillars.

September 24th, 2018|