The Daraja Times


By Brenda C. (Form 1) Corruption! Corruption! Corruption everywhere. It is misuse of public power for private gain. Major corruption comes when there are major events involving large sums of money, multiple players, huge quantities of products, and often when disasters situations are at stake. Think of

December 24th, 2018|

Dear future Dora at the World Bank

By Dora (Form 2) Dear Future Dora at The World Bank, How was life in university? What does it feel like to be a high school graduate? What exactly drove you to be the person you are right now? I hope you are moving on so well,

December 20th, 2018|

Causes of Environmental Pollution

By Reginah A. (Form 3) The causes of environmental pollution are many, including oil, air pollution, and soil erosion.Oil spillage causes environmental pollution when oil is spilled in water. Oil kills the aquatic animals, thus causing decomposition that will lead to further pollution. Smoke and fumes from

December 17th, 2018|

Self Help and Self Esteem

By Farhia I. (Form 1) Self help is the act of relying on your own efforts and abilities in order to solve your problems, rather than depending on other people for help. Self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. There are two types of self-esteem,

December 13th, 2018|

Where Is The Future of Africa?

By Zeituna A. (Form 3) and Dorcus A. (Form 2) Africa is the second largest continent in the world with a total area of 30,330,000km. Africa has a total population of about 1 billion and has a total of fifty five countries. In terms of industrialization, Africa is

December 10th, 2018|

Unconditional Love

By Christine M. (Form 4) As the last child in my family I got closer to my dad and closer we became by heart, by soul, by mind. Did everything together just like twin cores Travelled together as far as we dared. But, there is a trip

December 6th, 2018|

Kenya My Land

By Perpetua M. (Form 2) Wow! Wow! Wow! I do not know what to day or simply what to do. I am stranded as I am writing this article. Kenya is a land full of people with smiles on their faces, but others are crying. Crying for

December 3rd, 2018|

Living A Life of Example

By Stacy K. (Form 1) We all are perfectly and wonderfully designed in a way that we can fulfill our purposes on earth. Each day, when you wake up, make this your personal question, “How am I influencing the next generation.” When you walk, talk, smile and

November 29th, 2018|

The #Real Me

By Juster (Form 2) I am purple: royal and wealthy with wisdom. I am bold and proud like a sunflower. My beautiful smile exposes my happiness to the world, not letting the world expose its smile to me. I am like water, making the people in this

November 26th, 2018|

Tribal Clashes

By Ester N. (Form 3) What are tribal clashes? These are conflicts that occur among some communities or countries concerning tribes. The reason as to why many parts of Kenya have tribal classes is due to differences in leadership. They may fight due to the type of

November 22nd, 2018|

Recent Scientific Discoveries

By Brenda N. (Form 1) With technology, our world is becoming smaller and smaller everyday. New things are emerging and new animals and techniques being discovered. Our world is becoming smaller and smaller, especially when research is done and people, I don’t know whether it is increased

November 19th, 2018|

It Takes Two People To….

By Zeituna A. (Form 3) and Dorcus A. (Form 2) Have you ever sat down to imagine how life would be if you got pregnant now? Teenage pregnancy is the state of having a baby developing inside a teenager. It is stated that for every 1,000 girls in

November 15th, 2018|